Sometimes I struggle to believe we are living in 2024 because at the moment it feels like we are back in the Dark Ages where ignorance is rife.
We are having the same issues here in the UK and whenever a rioter is asked why they are behaving this way, their utter ignorance shines through. They are absorbing without question the words of leaders who are fundamentally racist. They don’t question because all they want to do is to point the finger to cover up their own shortcomings and inabilities.
What happened to you is awful. What happened to America being the ‘land of the free?’America, the UK and many other countries would never have become as prosperous without immigrants such as yourself and your husband.
You hopefully know many people who are not like that nasty ignorant man. People who appreciate who you are and welcome your presence in what has become your country too.
Hopefully Trump will not get in and if he does it will be short lived.