I Asked My Physio “Why Can’t I Move Like Jagger?”

This is what he said.

Petra Kidd
2 min readJun 29, 2024
Photo by the author @MyriadPhoto

When I say ‘Jagger’, I am, of course, referring to the mighty Sir Mick Jagger, who, at 80 years old, has more flexibility than I will ever have.

I watched him perform during Rolling Stone’s latest tour via TikTok, and my mouth fell open in wonderment at his dancing and the rotation of his hips.

At Sir Mick’s age, most people have hip replacements rather than rotating them like a frenetic belly dancer.

In Mick’s 3-hour daily workout, he runs, cycles, dances, swims, practices yoga, pilates, weight training, and ballet.

I used to run until my knee said no. I cycle and do yoga on occasion. My daily schedule will never compare to that of this Rolling Stone, who will never gather moss at this rate.

When my knee gave me trouble, I headed to a physiotherapist. Lying on his couch, I bemoaned the fact that this rock star, who has decades on me, runs eight miles a day. He should be the one moaning about his joints, not me!

The physio smiled. “It’s all about the joints. Either you get good joints or you don’t.”

He went on to explain that I could run until my knee hurt.



Petra Kidd

Photographer and Writer. I write short stories. I shoot, I write, I publish. Find me by the River Wensum.